Powerlink ISP moves from KC

25 December 1996

Powerlink, an Auckland based ISP, has moved from KC to Sinesurf as their service provider.
After some spectacular growth over the last four months, Powerlink have now decided to move their Internet connection from KC to Sinesurf. The Powerlink computer is now being telehoused at Sinesurf. This is a lower cost option than the combined cost of using a Telecom MDDS link to connect to KC and paying KC's fixed rate charges. (KC does not offer telehousing services for ISPs)

Powerlink connected to KC earlier this year via a 48K MDDS link to KC's Glen Eden site. A Spider ATTO router was provided and this connected to a Spider MEZZA router at KC. With link compression the throughput on this link regularly exceeded 75Kbits/sec.

After moving to a flat rate charging scheme several months ago, Powerlink has seen growth in usage from several hundred megs of traffic a month to several Gigs in just the space of three months. This massive growth moved Powerlink into a higher cost fixed price range for International data, which is negociated every three months with KC.

Further complications occured with Powerlink when two months ago they had to move premises and delays in actually moving lost an opportunity to connect into KC via Centrex ISDN. Powerlink were made aware of this possibility in August as they were situated in the Central Business District of Auckland. They decided not to move to ISDN as they were having to move premises in a few weeks. By the time they actually moved Telecom could no longer provision Basic Rate ISDN due to equipment shortages and lack of ISDN services in the central Auckland exchanges. Shortly after this the Centrex option also disappeared and Powerlink were left with having to continue with a 48K MDDS as the most cost effective link to KC

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Last modified: 24 December 1996.